Saturday, July 15, 2006

jackass 2 the movie

Just when you thought those jackass lads could`nt get any sicker,they go and prove us all wrong!!

Jackass 2

Friday, July 14, 2006

Manchester united vs Arsenal

This is a great video (well if your a man utd fan anyway!) of the battle of highbury! It show`s just what the english game is all about "PASSION" and there`s no shortage of it on view in this vid! Roy keane had even started shouting at the Arsenal players before they were on the pitch! Watch the line up where they are shaking hands it brilliant!


Top gears "the stig" gets it wrong!

The stig was trying to tame the fastest car in the world the koenigsegg ccx when it decided too fight back! That looks expensive!

koenigsegg CCX crash

A few to get us up and running!

Hello all!
After years of watching video`s on the net (i know what your thinking!) i thought i`d create my own blog page showing some of the best around.On these pages you`ll find great video`s of all type`s from Motorsport right upto just Plain studity.There may well be a few shocking video`s on the site but i`ll be sure to label them with Viewer descretion advised.
So welcome all and on with the video`s.
Many thanks too the people over at for there help hosting the vid`s and all the people who make them.